Monday, September 13, 2010

The Process

Prove the Underlying Assumptions

Recessions represent periods of rapid change where society must adapt quickly and often times drastically in order to resolve the ailments of a struggling economy.

The professions that suffer the most during these times are those related to building. Thus, many projects conceived before economic downturns are stalled.

While studies are done and past behaviors are corrected to pull society out of the recession, building projects that have been stalled are pushed to completion based on now irrelevant thought processes. These buildings will fail.

Develop the Parameters

Work within the constraints of the current recession to identify ideals (based on building) prior to the recession, how they were re-evaluated during the recession, and the reformed ideals after the recession.

Refer to the case study building (Xanadu Project) in order to show how it epitomizes pre-recession ideals.

Map out the progress of the case study building by identifying all the players, the programs, and the project goals, and how their relationships evolve throughout the entire process. Then characterize all the major issues that led to the re-evaluation of the projects initial ideals and its decline.

Lay out the reformed ideals and how they relate to this project. Ultimately, a case should be formed for the transformation of the existing structure based on a newly established ideal set that is the result of the drastic change occurring throughout a recession.


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